Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pureland Buddhist Study Session @ Waterloo every Sunday afternoon 週日念佛共修

Where: Sobeys Community Room, 450 Columbia W, Waterloo.

When:  Every Sunday afternoon (a notification will be sent out if the session is cancelled) 每週日 下午 念佛共修

Itinerary: 程序
1:00~2:30pm Infinite Life Sutra Chanting in Mandarin 恭誦《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》

2:30 ~5:10pm Pureland Meditation ("Amituofo" mantra chanting in walking and sitting position) 念佛共修

Note:If you only would like to take part 2 session, please come to the meeting room at 2:25pm, so you could have a few minutes to get calm down and relax before the meditation.   如果您只打算參加第二部分"念佛共修 ",請您最好能在 2:25到達教室,這樣,您可以有時間靜下心來,最好參加念佛共修的準備。

Complimentary books, CDs, and other materials will be available. While registration is not required, indications of interest would be appreciated. If you have any suggestion, please feel free to let us know.  屆時學會有免費法寶流通

1 comment:

AMTB said...

Good job! keep up! Cheers!